Paracetamol …………………………………. 500mg
Codeine phosphate …………………………. 30mg
Excipients q.s to …………………………… a tablet
Effervescent tablet
Box of 4 blistes x 4 tablets
Box of 10 blistes x 2 tablets
For treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of aches and pains, with or without fever, in some case e.g headache, myalgia, ostalgia, arthralgia, backachec, rachiodynia, toothache, dysmenorrhea, neuralgia, sprain, pains due to flu, pharyngitis or sinusitis, traumatic injuries, postoperative pains (excluding head and obdomen surgery).
Not exceeding 30°C, avoid moistness
– Adults (over 15 years of ages): oral dose of 1- 2 tablets, depending on the level of pain. 1- 3 times daily.
– Children of 3 years and upward (15 kg and upward): 3mg/kg/day divided into 4 – 6 times. Maximum dosing is 1mg/kg/time equivalent 6mg/kg/day.
– Medication exceeding above dosage or exceed 5 days must be consulted the physician.
– Minimum dosing interval: 4 hours
– Severe renal impairment (Creatinine Clearance below 10mL/min): Minimum dosing interval 8 hours.
– Dissolving tablet in about 200ml water and use after bubbling completely.
Please read carefully the leaflet before using.